Weather Forecasts, Road Conditions, and Weather Radar for I-25

Current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for all of US interstate I-25.
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Weather Radar for I-25

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Highway I-25 Road Conditions

I-25 stretches from I-10 at Las Cruces, New Mexico (approximately 25 miles (40 km) north of El Paso, Texas) to I-90 in Buffalo, Wyoming (approximately 60 miles (97 km) south of the Montana–Wyoming border). It passes through or near Albuquerque, New Mexico; Pueblo, Colorado; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Denver, Colorado; and Cheyenne, Wyoming. The I-25 corridor is mainly rural.

The weather conditions on Interstate 25 vary depending on which state you are in. In New Mexico, it is typically hot and dry with some areas being more arid than others. In Colorado, there are many different climates that can be found along I-25, but it is generally colder than in New Mexico. I-25 here passes to the east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. And finally, in Wyoming it can be very cold and windy.

What are Rolling Closures in Wyoming?

In severe weather conditions, particularly heavy snow and high winds, the state of Wyoming will often close major roadways. Towns in Wyoming are often quite rural with limited capacity for stranded travelers. When a town is at capacity, the closure will be rolled back to the next town to avoid stranding travelers in a location without adequate services.

Weather in Wyoming along I-25

Temperatures on I-25 tend to be cooler than in other parts of the state due to its higher elevation. In the winter months, temperatures along I-25 typically range from the low 20s to the low 40s, with occasional snowfall. In the summer, temperatures are generally milder, ranging from the high sixties to the low eighties.

Precipitation along I-25 is generally light, with average annual rainfall ranging from 12 to 20 inches. Snowfall is more common in the winter months and can range from light dustings to heavy snowstorms. In the summer months, thunderstorms are common, and hail is also possible.

Check our map about I-80 in Wyoming for more weather information about Wyoming.

Weather in Colorado along I-25

Along Interstate 25 in Colorado there is a wide range of climates. It ranges from arid plains of the Eastern Plains to snow-peaked mountains in the West.

In the eastern parts of Colorado, temperatures along I-25 are generally warm in the summer and mild in the winter months. Summers tend to be hot and dry, with temperatures regularly reaching the 90s. Winters are mild, with the occasional snowfall.

Moving west, temperatures generally become cooler. In the Denver area, temperatures in the summer average in the high 70s, while winter temperatures can drop into the teens. There is also a higher chance of precipitation in the Denver area, including snow storms.

Weather in New Mexico along I-25

New Mexico is known for its arid climate, and along I-25, that trend continues. The northern regions of New Mexico along I-25 typically experience a mild climate, with cool winters and warm summers. The months of June through August are usually the hottest. Temperatures reach well into the 90s and sometimes even top 100°F.

The winter months of December through February can see temperatures drop to the 20s, with occasional snowfall.

Spring and fall temperatures are more moderate, with highs in the 70s and 80s. Rainfall is sparse throughout the year, with most of the precipitation occurring during the summer months. New Mexico along I-25 is also known for its high winds which can reach speeds of up to 50 mph.

Overall, the weather in New Mexico along I-25 is generally mild and arid, with temperatures varying from hot to cold depending on the season. Rainfall is scarce, and high winds can be expected throughout the year.

Major Junctions of I-25

In Wyoming:

  • I-25 South begins at I-90 near Buffalo, Wyoming.
  • I-25 has a major junction at I-80 near Cheyenne, Wyoming.

In Colorado:

  • I-25 has a major junction at I-270 in Sherrelwood, Colorado.
  • I-25 has a major junction at I-76 near Twin Lakes, Colorado.
  • I-25 has major junctions at I-70 and I-225 in Denver, Colorado.

In New Mexico:

  • I-25 has a major junction at I-40 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • I-25 North begins at I-10 in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for all of US interstate I-25.